Ablona Seminar: To Succeed with Acqusitions

In March 2016, Ablona and the international research project "Competitive Acquisitions" organized a breakfast seminar with the topic "Successful Acquisitions in Competetive Markets". The project is a collaboration between Stockholm University, Iowa State University and University of Innsbruck.
Ablona presented its findings on acquisition metrics and then Florian Bauer presented the current findings from the project.
Key lessons from the presentation is that strategies and actions around acqusitions should be context driven and not checklist driven.
The most recent publication from the project - "Addressing Competitive Responses to Acquisitions" by David R. King and Svante Schriber can be found here.
Ablona (www.ablona.se) will support the project through work with its first multi-national survey. For more information on our research, see Ablona Research.